Local Charities receive £6,250
This year's Riviera Classic Car Show was our most successful ever, raising £6,250 for local charities and community organisations as part of the Paignton Festival. Those funds were recently donated to the beneficiaries at a ceremony hosted by Festival Chairman Mike Bailey and his team.
The photo shows TOWC Chairman Julian Smith and Vice Chairman Terry Court being thanked by Mike Bailey.
We are very proud to have helped the following:
11th Torbay Sea Cadets - 11th Torquay Brownies - 4th Paignton Brownies - Acorn Centre - Brixham League of Friends
Coalition of Disabled People - Cockington Village - Crafty Fox Hub - Heart Rehabilitation Centre - Hollacombe Community Hub - Kerswella Care - Ladies Lounge - Last Kiss Foundation - Life Care Radio - Paignton Community Larder - Paignton Villa AFC - Purple Angels - Riverettes Majorettes - Rowcroft Hospice - Sense Abilities
St John Ambulance - Step in Time - The Shed - Tissues & Issues - Torbay Hospital Radio - Torbay Sea Cadets
Torbay Table Tennis Club - Women ROC

Torbay Old Wheels give to local charities
Cheque presentation evening with this year’s donation to the Paignton Festival.
On 30th August 2018 we held our cheque presentation evening where we revealed this year’s donation to the Paignton Festival from the proceeds of our annual Riviera Classic Car Show, an amazing £6,250. This money is used entirely to support local charities and community organisations selected by the Festival Committee. Since our first show in 1994 we’ve seen it grow into one of the most successful and well attended in the region. The total raised over the years is in excess of £50,000, with almost a third of this in just the last 3 years.

Help the Federation respond to Government
This has just been released. Please act now to help keep your old car on the road.
Help the Federation respond to Government consultation on the introduction of increased levels of ethanol in petrol.
Dear Enthusiast,
The Department of Transport has issued a consultation document on the subject of introducing higher levels of ethanol in petrol.
Many older vehicles are likely to suffer damage and possibly dangerous fuel leaks if the E10 grade of petrol is used without modification to their fuel systems.
For the purposes of this consultation the Government is focusing on vehicles more than 25 years old.
Whilst wishing to introduce the higher ethanol level E10 grade of fuel, the Government are guaranteeing a 'protection grade' of petrol at the E5 grade that is equivalent to the currently available 95 RON petrol. However this guarantee will only last until 2020 when further consultation will take place.
It is likely that on the introduction of E10 at the 95 RON level, the currently available 'Super' grades with an octane level of 97 RON or higher, will cease to be available.
The Federation has designed a survey on petrol usage in older vehicles which will provide valuable evidence in the consultation response.
Please complete the survey and help the Federation preserve our right to use 'Yesterday's Vehicles on Tomorrow's Roads'.
The survey can be accessed by clicking this link.https://paulc1.typeform.com/to/Bt7HKS
If you wish to read the consultation document it can be found by following this link https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/e10-petrol-consumer-protection-and-fuel-pump-labelling
Please encourage your friends and fellow enthusiasts to complete the survey, just forward this email and they will be able to follow the survey link. The survey will close on 31 August 2018 in order to collate the results for the Federation's response to the consultation. A copy of the response will be made available on the Federation's website.
Thank you for supporting the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs and helping to keep historic vehicles on the road.
Paul Chasney
Director - Research

Jim Cudlipp, old school motor engineer & a true gentleman
On Thursday 5th July my good old friend and neighbour Jim Cudlipp passed away in Torbay Hospital, aged 89 years young. Jim ran Longcombe Garage with his late brother Charlie, retiring in 1989.
When I bought my Morris Eight in 2002 I knew even less about old cars than I do now and Jim was very generous with his time and expertise. He helped me out on many an occasion, telling me that he and Charlie never used to carry a tricky job over to the next day. They'd always work on until it was done, sometimes into the early hours. I remember him helping me until gone midnight more than once.
Jim kept the 1954 Albion Chieftain recovery truck they used in the business and set about restoring it over the years of his retirement. These photos and video are from 2007 when he'd just finished it. He and his late wife Margaret were delighted when it won best in class at the Powderham show on 8th July. The lorry went on to win many more trophies every season.
Sadly Jim lost Margaret on his 80th birthday, but continued to drive the lorry to shows over recent years. His last one was just 2 weeks ago on the Den at Teignmouth.
We knew his health was failing, but it's a great shock to hear the sad news that he will no longer be treating us to his twinkly smile and dry "Debbn" sense of humour. Goodbye old friend, you'll be hugely missed by so many.. The end of an era. Report by Julian Smith club chairman. Click on Photo for more images.

Meet Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
This much loved car will be our special guest at the Riviera Classic Car Show on Paignton Green on 22nd July. Local musical theatre company TOPS are staging the show in September to mark its 50th anniversary and we’re delighted to welcome the star. Other cast members will also be present to chat to visitors.
The show’s fully booked with vehicles, so once again the site will be packed with lots to see, from real oldies through to a sprinkling of very exotic modern cars, and something from every decade in between. There’ll be free stage entertainment through the day, a craft marquee, food and bar. Entry is by voluntary donation of just £2.50 for adults, with accompanied children free.
The Green is right alongside the award winning Paignton Beach and the Pier. Next to us will be a large funfair and the free GeoPlay Park for the youngsters.
Profits from the day are used to support local charities as part of the Paignton Festival, so we’d love to see as many visitors as possible join us for a day of fun and nostalgia. The show is open from 10am to 4.30pm.

Show entries are full
Our Riviera Classic Car Show on 22nd July is now fully booked. Any further exhibitor applications received will be held on a waiting list in case of cancellations. We do sometimes find that we have a few spare spaces on the day. We can never guarantee this, but if so then we will accept late entries at £10 per vehicle. 21st May 2018

Torbay Council Human or Robot?
Has Torbay Council "lost the plot" ?? We're hard at work planning the annual Riviera Classic Car Show on Paignton Green on 22nd July. Dozens of our members put in hundreds of hours' voluntary work to make this show a success. Over the years we've raised over £45,000 for local charities and community organisations, with last year's donation being a record £5,500.
This is only possible with the essential support of the visiting public. Today we're told that if we want to put up these banners again this year to publicise the event, then the Council will charge us over £37 per day. If you think this is totally unfair on community volunteers such as us & the benefitting organisations who'll end up with reduced donations then please let our Mayor, Gordon Oliver know at mayor@torbay.gov.uk.

Our new home
Following the recent closure of the Farmhouse Tavern in Torquay we’ve moved to the Blagdon Inn, Totnes Road, Paignton TQ4 7PT. We still meet on the last Thursday of the month at 7.45pm. We welcome along anyone interested in joining the club.

Modern Classics
Our club has always welcomed new members. It doesn't matter what age vehicle you have, and you don't even need to own one at all, just to have an interest in older vehicles of any age and type. Our Riviera Classic Car Show this year will include a new class for vehicles 1985-1992. Numbers will be limited.