Riviera Classic Car Show

Riviera Classic Car Show for 2025.
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The email for show entries is towc.carshow@icloud.com
The history of the Show
TOWC organises the Riviera Classic Car Show in late July every year on the first Sunday of the Torbay Community Carnival, which lasts for 9 days. The Carnival in many forms has been held since 1908. It was given its new name this year and still includes the Torbay Carnival procession on the Wednesday evening. The show is an important part of the Carnival week and was first held by us in 1994. It raises funds for the Carnival, all profits are used entirely to support local charities and community organisations. In 2023 we were proud to donate £7,000, bringing the running total raised to well over £70,000. Amazingly, almost half of this has been since 2016

For exhibitors
We can fit in almost 400 vehicles but the show’s popularity means it’s always over-subscribed. We do sometimes find that we have a few spare spaces on the day but we cannot guarantee this. If there are we will accept late entries on the day. All exhibitors will receive a small memento of the day.
For traders
TOWC organises just the vehicle display at the show. For all enquiries regarding trade or catering outlets and sponsorship opportunities please contact the Torbay Community Carnival chairman Mike Bailey at mbailey@paigntonfestival.com or 07403 259916. Under local council rules, no advertising vehicles or stands are permitted on the show field itself.
For Visitors
The show is open to pedestrian visitors from 10am (or as soon as the Safety Officer gives the go ahead) to 4.30pm. Gate receipts contribute to the total amount donated to local good causes. Entry is by donation of £2.50 for adults. Accompanied children under 12 are free.
Please note
The show is child friendly but, for safety reasons, unaccompanied children are not permitted.
NO bikes or scooters please, also for safety reasons. You may leave these with our gate staff for safe keeping at owner's risk.
Disabled access is good. The site is flat but grassy.
Dogs on very short leads (we don’t want scratched cars) are welcome but please make sure you use your doggy bags and dispose of them in the appropriate bins.
Toilets are just outside the show ground, these are operated by a private contractor and there is a charge by card payment only. There will be free Portaloos on site.
Street parking is limited but there are car parks close by.
The show ground is a short walk from both bus and train stations
Drones - in line with current regulations, the people on the field are "a crowd". Overflying is illegal.
Many owners will be around to tell you about their vehicles, and some may allow children to sit in their cars for photos but please ask first. On site there will be ice cream, burgers, a bar and other stalls of interest. Right alongside the show is the award winning Paignton Beach,Paignton Pier, the Geopark Adventure Playground (free of charge) as well as a funfair. There are also a good range of food outlets outside the ground

For the Press
The Riviera Classic Car Show is a major event in the area with many photo opportunities. Organised locally for local charities it is very much a community success and goes from strength to strength each year. In recent years we have had some noteworthy vehicles to see. We welcome Press interest to help us promote the show beforehand and to relate the story in the days following. We have a large number of royalty free images from previous shows which we are happy to supply.